
BFE.devでのAI解答例 - フロントエンド面接質問
165. What is the different between '^1.2.3' and '~1.2.3' in package.json

'^1.2.3' means that any version 1.x.x can be used, where x can be any number. However, the most recent minor or patch version will be installed. For example, if version 1.3.4 is released, it will be installed automatically if it is the most recent version.

'~1.2.3' means that any version 1.2.x can be used, where x can be any number. However, only the most recent patch version will be installed. For example, if version 1.2.4 is released, it will be installed automatically if it is the most recent version.

In summary, '^x.y.z' allows for the most recent minor or patch version within the same major version, while '~x.y.z' allows for the most recent patch version within the same minor version.