53. 实现middleware
中等难度 -通过 / -执行
你是否使用过 Express Middleware ?
app.use('/user/:id', function (req, res, next) { next()}, function (req, res, next) { next(new Error('sth wrong'))})
请实现一个简单的middleware 系统!
type Request = objecttype NextFunc = (error?: any) => voidtype MiddlewareFunc = (req: Request, next: NextFunc) => voidtype ErrorHandler = (error: Error, req: Request, next: NextFunc) => voidclass Middleware { use(func: MiddlewareFunc | ErrorHandler) { // do any async operations // call next() to trigger next function } start(req: Request) { // trigger all functions with a req object }}
const middleware = new Middleware()middleware.use((req, next) => { req.a = 1 next()})middleware.use((req, next) => { req.b = 2 next()})middleware.use((req, next) => { console.log(req)})middleware.start({})// {a: 1, b: 2}
注意到 use()
const middleware = new Middleware()// throw an error at first functionmiddleware.use((req, next) => { req.a = 1 throw new Error('sth wrong') // or `next(new Error('sth wrong'))`})// since error occurs, this is skippedmiddleware.use((req, next) => { req.b = 2})// since error occurs, this is skippedmiddleware.use((req, next) => { console.log(req)})// since error occurs, this is calledmiddleware.use((error, req, next) => { console.log(error) console.log(req)})middleware.start({})// Error: sth wrong// {a: 1}
Ideas and Concepts