
BFE.devAI解答 - 前端面试问题
163. How do you troubleshoot when user reports a blank screen on you web page?

When a user reports a blank screen on a web page, there could be multiple reasons behind it. Here are some steps that can be taken to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Check the network tab - Check if there is any error message or network-related information shown in the browser console or network tab. It might help identify if the issue is with any external resources like scripts, images, or API calls.

  2. Verify the HTML structure - Inspect the HTML code, and ensure that the HTML structure is correct, and there are no missing closing tags or syntax errors.

  3. Verify the CSS and JavaScript - Check if there are any syntax errors or issues in any CSS or JavaScript files. Also, ensure that the files are correctly linked and loaded on the page.

  4. Check browser compatibility - Ensure that the web page is compatible with all the major browsers and that there are no issues with browser-specific features.

  5. Verify the server response - Check if the server is returning a valid response, and there are no server-side errors. It can be done by verifying the server logs or using tools like Postman or cURL.

By following these steps, one can troubleshoot and resolve the blank screen issue reported by the user.