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AI solution for JavaScript Coding Question on
172. implement `Math.clz32()`

Here's one implementation of Math.clz32() in JavaScript:

function clz32(num) {
  // Convert num to a 32-bit unsigned integer
  num >>>= 0;
  // If num is zero, return 32 (the number of leading zeroes in a 32-bit number)
  if (num === 0) {
    return 32;
  // Count the number of leading zeroes in num's binary representation
  let count = 0;
  while (num > 0) {
    num >>>= 1;
  // Return the result
  return 32 - count;


  • The num >>>= 0 line converts the input to a 32-bit unsigned integer. This ensures that even if the input is a floating point number or a negative number, we are counting the leading zeroes in its 32-bit binary representation.
  • If the input is zero, we return 32 since that's the number of leading zeroes in a 32-bit number.
  • We then loop through the binary digits of num, counting the number of leading zeroes until we encounter the first 1.
  • Finally, we return 32 - count since that's the number of leading zeroes we counted.

Note that there are also other ways to implement Math.clz32() depending on your needs and preferences, but this should give you an idea of how it works.