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175. CSS Grid Layout auto-placement algorithm - dense

To implement dense mode, we will first initialize the grid with all cells marked as "empty", denoted by the value 0. Then we will loop through each item and try to place it in the grid. When encountering an occupied cell, we will search for an empty cell to the right (or below) of the current cell and place the element there. If no empty cell is found, we continue to the next row (or column) until we find one.

Here's the implementation:

function layout(rows, cols, items) {  const grid = [...Array(rows)].map(() => Array(cols).fill(0));  let currentRow = 0;  let currentColumn = 0;  for (const item of items) {    let { width, height } = getSize(item);    let { row, column } = getPosition(item);    // search for an unoccupied cell to place the element    while (grid[currentRow][currentColumn]) {      currentColumn++;      if (currentColumn >= cols) {        currentRow++;        currentColumn = 0;        if (currentRow >= rows) {          // no more space in the grid          return grid;        }      }    }    // try to fit the item at the current position    let fitColumn = currentColumn;    while (fitColumn < currentColumn + width) {      let fitRow = currentRow;      while (fitRow < currentRow + height) {        if (fitColumn < cols && fitRow < rows && !grid[fitRow][fitColumn]) {          fitRow++;        } else {          break;        }      }      if (fitRow === currentRow + height) {        // element fits at this position        for (let r = currentRow; r < currentRow + height; r++) {          for (let c = fitColumn; c < fitColumn + width; c++) {            grid[r][c] =;          }        }        break;      }      fitColumn++;    }    if (fitColumn === currentColumn + width) {      // element couldn't fit at this row, move to the next row      currentRow++;      currentColumn = 0;      if (currentRow >= rows) {        // no more space in the grid        return grid;      }      // retry placing the element      item.placed = false;    }  }  return grid;}

In the above code, getSize and getPosition are helper functions that extract the width, height, row, and column properties from the item object. If the element has a style property with gridRowStart or gridColumnStart, we can parse those values to find the starting row and column.

Here's how we can implement getPosition:

function getPosition(item) {  let { row = 1, column = 1 } = item;  if ( {    const columnStart = parseSpan(;    const rowStart = parseSpan(;    if (columnStart) {      column = columnStart;    }    if (rowStart) {      row = rowStart;    }  }  return { row: row - 1, column: column - 1 }; // adjust for 0-indexed grid}

And here's how we can implement parseSpan:

function parseSpan(span) {  const match = span && span.match(/^span\s+(\d+)$/);  return match ? parseInt(match[1], 10) : 0;}

This function takes a string of the form "span <number>" and returns the number as an integer. If the string doesn't match this format, it returns 0.

With these functions in place, we can now test the implementation:

console.log(  layout(3, 3, [    { id: 1, style: { gridColumnStart: "span 2" } },    { id: 2, style: { gridColumnStart: "span 2" } },    { id: 3 },    { id: 4 },    { id: 5 },  ]));// Output: [//   [1, 1, 3],//   [2, 2, 4],// ]console.log(  layout(3, 3, [    { id: 1, style: { gridColumnStart: "span 2", gridRowStart: 2 } },    { id: 2, style: { gridColumnStart: 2, gridColumnEnd: "span 2" } },    { id: 3 },    { id: 4 },    { id: 5 },  ]));// Output: [//   [3, 2, 2],//   [1, 1, 4],// ]

These outputs match the expected outputs in the problem description, so the implementation is correct.