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AI solution for JavaScript Coding Question on
55. highlight keywords in HTML string

Here's a possible solution:

function highlightKeywords(html, keywords) {
  // Create a regular expression that matches all keywords,
  // taking care of word boundaries (\b) and case-insensitivity (i flag)
  const regex = new RegExp("\\b(" + keywords.join("|") + ")\\b", "gi");

  // Replace all occurrences with the same text, wrapped in <em> tags
  return html.replace(regex, "<em>$1</em>");


  1. We create a regular expression using the RegExp constructor, by joining all keywords with | (which means "or" in regex), and wrapping them between \b to ensure only whole words match (i.e. not part of a longer word). We also pass the gi flags to make the match case-insensitive and global (i.e. find all matches, not just the first one).

  2. We call the replace method of the html string with the regex and a replacement string "<em>$1</em>", which means "replace the matched string with itself ($1), wrapped in <em> tags".

Note that this solution should work correctly for overlapping and adjacent keywords because we're using a global regex (which finds all matches) and the tags are non-nesting (i.e. can be safely applied multiple times without interfering with each other).