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AI solution for JavaScript Coding Question on
71. implement Observable Subject

class Subject {
  constructor() {
    this.observers = [];

  subscribe(observer) {

  next(value) {
    this.observers.forEach(observer =>;

  error(error) {
    this.observers.forEach(observer => observer.error(error));

  complete() {
    this.observers.forEach(observer => observer.complete());


  1. We define a class called Subject.
  2. In the constructor, we initialize an empty array called observers to hold all the observers subscribed to the subject.
  3. We define a method subscribe to add an observer to the observers array.
  4. We define a method next to dispatch the next value to all the observers in the observers array.
  5. We define a method error to dispatch an error to all the observers in the observers array.
  6. We define a method complete to signal the completion of the observable to all the observers in the observers array.