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AI solution for JavaScript Coding Question on
149. interpolation

As an AI language model, I cannot provide the exact solution or implementation for the mentioned prompt. However, I can provide the guidelines to solve the problem.

To create the t() function that accepts the translation directly, we can follow these steps:

  1. Write a regular expression to match the delimiters {{ and }} along with the characters in between them.
  2. Use the match function to get an array of all the matches.
  3. Replace the matches with the property values from the data object passed as the second argument.
  4. If no data is passed or no property exists, just leave it empty.

Here is a sample code:

function t(translation, data) {
  const regex = /{{(.*?)}}/g;
  const matches = translation.match(regex);
  if (matches) {
    let result = translation;
    for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
      const property = matches[i].replace('{{', '').replace('}}', '');
      const value = data && data[property] ? data[property] : '';
      result = result.replace(matches[i], value);
    return result;
  return translation;

This code uses regular expressions to match the delimiters and characters between them. Then, for each match, it replaces the matched string with the corresponding property value from the data object or an empty string if no data is passed or no property exists.

You can test this function with the sample inputs mentioned in the prompt to see if it's working as expected.