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AI solution for JavaScript Coding Question on
161. toBe() or not.toBe()

Here's a possible implementation of myExpect:

function myExpect(value) {
  return {
    toBe(expected) {
      if (value === expected) {
        console.log("✅ Test passed");
      } else {
        console.log(`❌ Test failed: expected ${expected}, but got ${value}`);
    not: {
      toBe(expected) {
        if (value !== expected) {
          console.log("✅ Test passed");
        } else {
          console.log(`❌ Test failed: expected ${value} not to be ${expected}`);

You can use it in your tests as follows:

myExpect(3).toBe(3); // ✅ Test passed
myExpect(4).toBe(3); // ❌ Test failed: expected 3, but got 4

myExpect(3).not.toBe(3); // ❌ Test failed: expected 3 not to be 3
myExpect(4).not.toBe(3); // ✅ Test passed

Note that this is just one possible implementation, and there are many ways to achieve the same result.