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AI solution for JavaScript Coding Question on
150. Virtual DOM V - JSX 2

Here's the modified code to support nesting elements and functional components:

function h(type, props, ...children) {  return {    type,    props: props || {},    children: flatten(children),  };}function flatten(arr) {  return [].concat(...arr);}function createElement(node) {  if (typeof node === 'string') {    return document.createTextNode(node);  }  const el = document.createElement(node.type);  setProps(el, node.props);  node.children    .map(createElement)    .forEach(el.appendChild.bind(el));  return el;}function setProps(el, props) {  Object.keys(props)    .filter(isProperty)    .forEach(name => setProp(el, name, props[name]));  Object.keys(props)    .filter(isAttribute)    .forEach(name => setAttribute(el, name, props[name]));}function isAttribute(name) {  return !isProperty(name) && name !== 'children';}function isProperty(name) {  return name === 'value' || name === 'checked';}function setAttribute(el, name, value) {  if (value === true) {    el.setAttribute(name, '');  } else if (value !== false && value != null) {    el.setAttribute(name, value);  }}function setProp(el, name, value) {  if (isBoolean(value)) {    setBooleanProp(el, name, value);  } else {    el[name] = value;  }}function setBooleanProp(el, name, value) {  if (value) {    el[name] = true;    el.setAttribute(name, '');  } else {    el[name] = false;    el.removeAttribute(name);  }}function isBoolean(value) {  return typeof value === 'boolean';}function isFunctionalComponent(component) {  return typeof component === 'function';}function render(node, container) {  container.appendChild(createElement(node));}const React = {  createElement,};const BFE = {  h,  render,};// Usage:const Heading = ({ children, }) =>  BFE.h('h1', rest, ...children);  const App = () => (  <div className="app">    <Heading>BFE.<i>dev</i></Heading>    <p>      <i></i> is <b>cool</b>!    </p>  </div>);BFE.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

I hope this solution helps! Let me know if you have any questions.