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24. Explain TCP 3-Way Handshake process

TCP 3-Way Handshake is a process in which a connection is established between the client and the server in a reliable and secure manner. The 3-way handshake includes three steps:

  1. SYN: The client sends a SYN packet to the server to initiate a connection request. The packet contains the initial sequence number.

  2. SYN-ACK: The server responds to the client with a SYN-ACK packet. This packet contains the sequence number for the server's initial sequence number, which is incremented by one. This packet also acknowledges the receipt of the client's SYN packet.

  3. ACK: The client sends an ACK packet to the server to confirm the receipt of the server's SYN-ACK packet. This packet contains the next sequence number and the acknowledgment number, which is equal to the sequence number of the server's SYN packet plus one.

After the completion of 3-way handshake, the connection is established, and both the client and the server can start communicating with each other. During the communication, they use the sequence numbers and acknowledgment numbers to ensure reliable and secure data transfer.