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AI solution for Interview Question on
57. Explain common HTTP request methods? What are they used for?

There are nine commonly used HTTP request methods:

  1. GET - Used to retrieve data from a server
  2. POST - Used to send data to a server to create or update a resource
  3. PUT - Used to update a resource on the server
  4. DELETE - Used to delete a resource on the server
  5. HEAD - Used to retrieve only the headers of a resource
  6. OPTIONS - Used to retrieve information about available HTTP methods for a resource
  7. CONNECT - Used to establish a network connection with a resource
  8. TRACE - Used to retrieve a diagnostic trace of a resource
  9. PATCH - Used to partially update a resource on the server

These methods are used to perform different actions on resources hosted on a server. For example, GET requests are used to retrieve data from a server, while POST requests are used to submit data to a server for processing. PUT requests are used to update a resource on a server, and DELETE requests are used to remove a resource from a server. The other methods have more specific use cases, such as OPTIONS being used to retrieve information on available methods for a specific resource.