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AI solution for Interview Question on
35. Explain common HTTP response status code

Here are some of the most common HTTP status codes:

  1. 200 OK - this status code is returned when the requested resource is successfully retrieved.
  2. 201 Created - this status code is returned when a new resource is successfully created.
  3. 304 Not Modified - this status code is returned when the requested resource has not been modified since the last request.
  4. 400 Bad Request - this status code is returned when the client sends a request that the server cannot understand.
  5. 401 Unauthorized - this status code is returned when the client is not authorized to access the requested resource.
  6. 403 Forbidden - this status code is returned when the client does not have permission to access the requested resource.
  7. 404 Not Found - this status code is returned when the requested resource cannot be found on the server.
  8. 500 Internal Server Error - this status code is returned when a server error occurs and the server is unable to fulfill the request.

It is important to understand these status codes as they can provide valuable information about the outcome of your HTTP request.