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18. Explain `macrotask` and `microtask`

Macrotasks and microtasks are two different categories of tasks that are handled by the Javascript event loop.

A macrotask is a task that is queued in the event loop to be executed in a future iteration. Examples of tasks that are considered as macrotasks include setTimeout(), setInterval(), requestAnimationFrame(), and I/O operations. The event loop will wait for all macrotasks to complete before executing any microtasks in the queue.

A microtask, on the other hand, is a task that is executed immediately after the currently executing function completes, but before the event loop moves on to execute any macrotasks. Microtasks include promises, process.nextTick(), and queueMicrotask(). Since they are executed immediately, they have a higher priority than macrotasks.

In summary, macrotasks are tasks that are executed in a future iteration of the event loop, while microtasks are tasks that are executed immediately after the current function completes.