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AI solution for Interview Question on
122. Explain the common CSS Relative length units

Yes, I am familiar with em and rem. em is a relative length unit in CSS that represents the computed font size of the parent element, while rem represents the font size of the root element.

vw and vh are viewport-based units that represent a percentage of the viewport width and viewport height, respectively. For example, 50vw sets the width of an element to half of the viewport width.

Similarly, vmin and vmax are viewport-based units that represent the minimum and maximum of the viewport width and height. For instance, 50vmin sets the size of an element to 50% of the minimum viewport dimension (either width or height). On the other hand, 50vmax sets the size of an element to 50% of the maximum viewport dimension (either width or height).

Overall, these relative length units are useful for creating responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.