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14. Explain the differences between AMD, CommonJS and ES modules

AMD, CommonJS, and ES modules are all module systems used in JavaScript. The differences between them are as follows:

  1. AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) is used for browser-side code and allows for asynchronous loading of modules. This means that the browser does not have to wait for each module to load before it starts running the code. AMD uses a define() function to declare dependencies and exports.

  2. CommonJS is used for server-side code and is synchronous. This means that each module has to load before the code can run. CommonJS uses require() and module.exports to declare dependencies and exports.

  3. ES (ECMAScript) modules are a native module system built into JavaScript since ES6. It is used for both browser-side and server-side code and allows for both synchronous and asynchronous loading of modules. ES modules use import and export statements to declare dependencies and exports.

In terms of native support on browsers, ES modules are supported on most modern browsers. However, AMD and CommonJS are not natively supported and require third-party libraries to be used.