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30. Explain the lifecycle of Vue instance

The lifecycle of a Vue instance consists of several phases or hooks, which are as follows:

  1. Creation: This is the first hook in the lifecycle, during which the Vue instance is created and initialized with the necessary data and options.

  2. Mounting: During this phase, the Vue instance is mounted to the DOM, and any template or render function is compiled and rendered. Components within the Vue instance's template are also created and mounted.

  3. Updating: This phase occurs whenever data changes within the Vue instance, and the DOM needs to be updated accordingly. The various lifecycle hooks allow you to hook into this phase and perform any necessary actions.

  4. Destruction: This is the final hook in the lifecycle and occurs when the Vue instance is destroyed, either manually or due to some other event like a page refresh or a component unmounting.

Overall, the lifecycle hooks of a Vue instance provide developers with a rich set of tools for responding to changes in data and performing any necessary actions.