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AI solution for Interview Question on
90. How do you give and receive feedback?

Situation: Explain the context of the feedback, what's the issue or concern that needs to be addressed.

Obstacles: Describe any challenges or roadblocks that were encountered during the process, such as resistance from the person receiving the feedback, or any internal challenges you had to overcome to give the feedback.

Actions: Detail the specific actions that were taken to resolve the issue or improve the situation. Be specific about any tools, methods, or strategies that were employed, and be sure to highlight your role in the process.

Result: Share the outcome of the feedback and any measurable results of the actions taken. If possible, share any feedback or comments that you received as a result of your efforts.

When receiving feedback, listen actively, be open-minded, stay calm, show a willingness to learn and improve, and ask clarifying questions.

Remember to thank the person giving feedback, show your appreciation for their time and effort in helping you grow and develop in your career.