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56. How do you track errors from your web application?

  1. Kind of errors:

There are different types of errors that could occur in a web application, including:

  • Client-side errors: Such as JavaScript errors, incorrect input handling, and browser compatibility issues.
  • Server-side errors: Such as database connection errors, server downtime, and API errors.
  • Performance-related errors: Such as slow load times, resource depletion, and poor caching strategies.
  • Security-related errors: Such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, SQL injection vulnerabilities, and authentication-related errors.
  1. Detecting errors:

There are various ways of detecting errors in a web application. Some of the common methods include:

  • Manual testing: Where testers manually test the application for errors and bugs.
  • Automated testing: Using tools such as Selenium, Cypress, or Puppeteer to test the application automatically.
  • Logging tools: Such as LogRocket, Rollbar, or Sentry, which capture errors and send them to a central repository.
  • Monitoring tools: Such as Pingdom or New Relic, which monitor the application for errors and provide real-time alerts.
  1. Reporting errors:

Once errors are detected, they need to be reported to the relevant stakeholders. Depending on the severity and impact of the error, reporting could involve:

  • Sending an email or notification to the development team, informing them of the error and its impact.
  • Creating a ticket or issue in a project management system such as Jira or Trello.
  • Escalating the issue to a senior developer or manager for resolution.
  • In some cases, also reporting the error to the end-users, with a message explaining the issue and expected resolution time.
  1. When to report errors:

Errors should be reported as soon as they are detected. This allows the development and operations teams to respond quickly and improve their processes. The reporting frequency could depend on the severity of the error, with critical issues requiring immediate reporting.

  1. Storing error logs:

Errors should be stored in a central repository, such as a log management system or database. This allows for easier retrieval and analysis of errors, making it possible to identify patterns, trends, and recurring issues.

  1. Prioritizing errors:

Errors should be prioritized based on their severity, impact on users, and potential for recurrence. Critical errors require immediate attention, while less critical issues may be tackled at a later time.

In my previous project, we used a combination of automated testing tools and logging tools to detect and report errors. Whenever an error was detected, it was logged in a centralized repository, and the development team was automatically notified via Slack. We prioritized the errors based on their severity and impact, and ensured they were resolved within the required timeframe. By implementing these error tracking methods, we were able to minimize downtime and improve the overall user experience of the application.