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74. How does @import works in CSS? What is the pros and cons

@import is a CSS feature that allows us to import styles from external stylesheets into another stylesheet. When the browser encounters an @import statement, it will fetch the CSS file(s) and apply them to the page.

The main advantage of using @import is that it allows us to separate our styles into different files and logically organize them. This can make our codebase easier to maintain and modify over time.

However, there are a few potential drawbacks to using @import. First, it can impact page performance by adding additional HTTP requests. Second, the imported styles may not be applied until the CSS file has been fully downloaded, which can result in a delay in rendering the page. Finally, there are some specific issues with using @import within certain types of media queries or in combination with certain CSS selectors.

Overall, while @import can be a useful tool for organizing our CSS code, it's important to be aware of its potential performance and compatibility issues.