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AI solution for Interview Question on
126. How would you debug a web page and find the bad code?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences. But, generally, here are some common ways to debug a web page and find the bad code:

  1. Check the browser console: The browser console displays any errors or warnings that occur on the web page. Look for red error messages and try to fix them.

  2. Use a debugging tool: Many browsers have built-in debugging tools that allow you to step through code and inspect variables. You can also set breakpoints and see where code is failing.

  3. Validate the HTML and CSS: Ensure that the HTML and CSS are valid by using a validator tool.

  4. Use a linter: A linter can help you identify code that may not be syntaxically correct.

  5. Check the network tab: The network tab in your browser's dev tools can show you which requests are being made and how long they are taking. This can help you identify performance bottlenecks.

  6. Use browser extensions: Browser extensions like Firebug or Chrome DevTools can help you pinpoint errors in code and provide helpful features for troubleshooting.

  7. Check for compatibility issues: If your code is not working in a specific browser, check for compatibility issues by researching specific browser quirks or using a testing tool.

  8. Simplify your code: If all else fails, try simplifying your code and gradually adding functionality until you find where the problem lies.