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89. Tell me a time you handled conflict.

For example, in my previous job, there was a disagreement on the implementation of a feature. Some team members believed that the feature should be implemented in a specific way, while others believed it should be implemented in a different way.

The situation was that we needed to implement the feature to meet the deadline, but we couldn't move forward without resolving this conflict.

The obstacle was that both sides had valid points but had different priorities, and it seemed impossible to reconcile them.

My action was to organize a meeting where all team members could voice their concerns and present their ideas. I listened carefully to both sides, asked clarifying questions, and helped facilitate the discussion.

After hearing all perspectives, I suggested a compromise solution that took into account the best aspects of both approaches. I explained the reasoning behind the compromise and received feedback and agreement from everyone.

The result was that we were able to implement the feature on time, and there were no further conflicts or issues related to it.

This experience taught me that it's important to remain calm and objective during conflicts, actively listen to all sides, and try to find a common ground that satisfies everyone.