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95. Tell me a time you handled pressure.

Situation: During my previous job, I was tasked with developing an e-commerce website for a client with a very tight deadline. The project required a lot of complex coding and integrations that I had limited experience with.

Obstacles: Despite my lack of experience in some areas, I was determined to deliver the website on time. However, as the deadline approached, I encountered several obstacles. The client kept changing their requirements and I had to deal with unexpected bugs that were taking too long to fix.

Actions: To power through the pressure, I first prioritized the most critical features of the website and made sure they were completed first. Then, I worked overtime and weekends, making use of every available hour I had to keep pushing forward. I also reached out to more experienced colleagues for their advice and guidance with the areas of the project where I struggled.

Result: In the end, despite the obstacles, I managed to complete the project on time and within the client's desired scope. The client was happy with the final product and my efforts were recognized, resulting in a great sense of accomplishment for me and my team.

This experience taught me how to prioritize under pressure, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and seek help when needed. It also showed me that sometimes, the most crucial thing is to stay calm, focused, and motivated to achieve the desired outcome.