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34. What is CSRF? How to prevent it?

CSRF stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery. It is a type of attack where an attacker tries to trick a user into performing an action that they did not intend to perform.

For example, a user may be tricked into clicking on a link or button that seems harmless, but it actually sends a request to a website that the user is currently logged in to. The website will see the request as legitimate and perform the action requested by the attacker, such as changing the user's password or making a purchase.

To prevent CSRF attacks, it is important to implement proper CSRF protection techniques, such as using a random token that is generated for each user session and verifying it on every request. Another technique is to use the SameSite attribute in cookies, which prevents cookies from being sent in cross-site requests.

Other techniques include implementing CAPTCHA, double-submit cookies, or even checking the referrer header on the server-side. It is essential to implement these techniques to protect user data and prevent unauthorized actions.