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51. What is SSR? What is the pros and cons?


SSR stands for Server-Side Rendering. Instead of relying solely on client-side JavaScript to render the HTML, SSR creates the initial HTML on the server side and sends it to the client.

The pros of SSR are:

  • Faster time-to-first-meaningful-paint. With SSR, the server sends a fully-rendered page to the client, which means that the user sees the content more quickly.
  • Better SEO. Search engine crawlers can easily read the fully-rendered page and index it.
  • Better performance on slower devices. Devices with slower CPUs may struggle with the extra computation required for client-side rendering.

The cons of SSR are:

  • More difficult to set up. SSR requires extra infrastructure on the server and complex configuration.
  • Increased server load. The server must do more work for each page request, which could lead to performance issues or higher server costs.
  • Limited interactivity. Because the initial HTML is generated on the server, there may be some limitations to the dynamic features of the application.

In deciding whether to use SSR, it's important to consider the specific needs of your application. For example, if your application has a lot of user-generated content that changes frequently, a fully static site may not be the best choice. Similarly, if you have a small, simple site with limited interactivity, you may not see much benefit from SSR.