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31. What is the Pros and Cons of Node.js


  • Node.js has an event-driven architecture, which provides high scalability and enhanced performance for real-time applications.
  • It uses a single-threaded event loop model, which allows it to handle multiple clients simultaneously without creating any new threads.
  • It can also handle I/O-intensive tasks efficiently.
  • Node.js is based on JavaScript, so developers can work with a consistent, familiar language across the entire application stack.
  • It has a vast and active community, which provides continuous support, update, and extensive documentation.


  • Node.js is designed for writing server-side applications, and it might not be the best option for CPU-intensive tasks that require more processing power.
  • It has a steep learning curve, particularly for beginners without much JavaScript knowledge.
  • Callback hell is a common issue in Node.js, and it can be challenging to write efficient and maintainable code.
  • It has limited libraries for specific domains compared to other languages.
  • Debugging can be difficult, and finding the source of errors can be tricky.