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49. What is the pros and cons of Redux?


  1. Centralized state management - Redux provides a centralized way to manage the state of your application. This makes it easy to understand and debug your code, especially in larger applications.

  2. Predictable state changes - Redux has a strict pattern for state changes, making it easy to predict and track changes, as well as roll back to previous states if needed.

  3. Good for complex applications - Redux is particularly useful for complex applications with multiple components that need to share data and interact with each other.

  4. Debugging capabilities - Redux has excellent debugging capabilities, including time-travel debugging, which allows you to see how your application's state changes over time.


  1. Steep learning curve - Redux has a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are not familiar with functional programming concepts.

  2. Boilerplate code - Redux requires a lot of boilerplate code, which can make it difficult to use in small applications or projects where time is of the essence.

  3. Over-engineering - Developers can over-engineer their application by using Redux when it's not necessary. This can lead to unnecessary complexity and increased development time.

  4. Performance - Redux can have performance issues if not used correctly, especially in large applications. Careful attention needs to be paid to avoid unnecessary state updates and re-renders.