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AI solution for Interview Question on
131. what is the difference between cache-control:no-cache and cache-control:no-store?

The main difference between cache-control:no-cache and cache-control:no-store is as follows:

  • cache-control:no-cache means that the response can be cached, but the cache must first revalidate the resource with the server before using the cached version. This means that the cache must send a request to the server with the If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header to check if the resource has changed. If the resource has not changed, the server will respond with a 304 Not Modified status code and the cache can use the cached version. If the resource has changed, the server will respond with the new version of the resource.

  • cache-control:no-store means that the response cannot be cached and must be fetched from the server every time. This is usually used for sensitive data, such as personal information or financial data, to ensure that the data is not stored anywhere.

In summary, cache-control:no-cache allows caching but requires revalidation with the server, while cache-control:no-store prohibits caching altogether.