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145. how to implement user login?

There are several ways to implement user login, but here is a high-level overview:

  1. Create a user model: Create a database table to store user data like username, email and password.

  2. Create a login form: Create a login form that takes a user's email or username and password as inputs.

  3. Validate user credentials: Check if the email/username and password combination entered by the user matches the one stored in the database.

  4. Create a session: If the user has entered valid credentials, create a session to keep track of their login status.

  5. Redirect the user: If the login is successful, redirect the user to a protected page. If there are any errors, display them to the user.

  6. Logout: Provide a logout link that destroys the session and redirects the user to the login page.

The implementation details might differ depending on the specific technologies you are using, but the above steps should give you a general idea of how to implement user login.