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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
10. Equal

The code outputs the following:



  • The first three comparisons (0 == false, '' == false, and [] == false) are all true because when comparing a boolean (false) to a non-boolean value, JavaScript coerces the non-boolean value to a boolean according to certain rules. In this case, 0, '' (empty string), and [] (empty array) all coerce to false, so the comparisons are true.
  • The comparison undefined == false is false because undefined doesn't coerce to false.
  • The comparison null == false is also false because null doesn't coerce to false.
  • The comparison '1' == true is true because when comparing a boolean to a non-boolean value, JavaScript coerces the boolean to a number (0 for false, 1 for true). So true coerces to 1 and '1' also represents 1 as a string, so the comparison is true.
  • The comparison 1n == true is true because when comparing a boolean to a non-boolean value, JavaScript coerces the boolean to a number (0 for false, 1 for true). So true coerces to 1 and 1n (a BigInt) also represents 1, so the comparison is true.
  • The comparison ' 1 ' == true is true because when comparing a boolean to a non-boolean value, JavaScript coerces the boolean to a number (0 for false, 1 for true). So true coerces to 1 and ' 1 ' (a string with extra space characters) trims to '1', which represents 1 as a string, so the comparison is true.