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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
45. Hoisting VI

The code will output the following by console.log:



  • At the first console.log statement, foo is not defined yet within the function scope so it outputs undefined.
  • The second console.log statement outputs the global variable foo which has a value of 1.
  • The third console.log statement outputs the updated local variable foo value which is 2.
  • After the var foo = 3 statement, the fourth console.log statement outputs the updated local variable foo value which is 3.
  • The final console.log statement outputs the global variable foo which still has a value of 1. This happens because the local foo variable was declared later in the function and is hoisted to the beginning of the function, but its assignment (var foo = 3) happens later. Therefore, the previous foo = 2 statement assigned the value to the global variable foo instead of the local one.