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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
11. Implicit Coercion II

This code outputs the following by console.log:

""                // empty string (concatenation of two empty arrays)
"1"               // "1" as string (concatenation of empty array and 1)
"1"               // "1" as string (concatenation of an array containing an empty array and 1)
"11"              // "11" as string (concatenation of an array containing an array containing 1 and 1)
"[[[2]]]1"        // "[[[2]]]" as string (concatenation of an array nested 4 levels deep and 1)
NaN               // Not a Number (subtraction from an empty array coerces to NaN)
-1                // -1 as number (subtraction of 1 from an array containing an empty array)
0                 // 0 as number (subtraction of 1 from an array containing an array containing 1)
-1                // -1 as number (subtraction of 1 from an array nested 4 levels deep)
"[object Object]" // "[object Object]" as string (concatenation of an empty array and an object)
NaN               // Not a Number (addition of two objects coerces to NaN)
NaN               // Not a Number (subtraction of two objects coerces to NaN)