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36. Promise.prototype.finally()

The code outputs:



  1. Promise.resolve(1) creates a promise that is resolved with the value 1.
  2. The finally() method returns a new promise that is resolved or rejected after performing the specified cleanup action.
  3. In the first finally() callback, the console.log(data) statement logs the resolved value 1 to the console. The method also returns a new promise that is rejected with the string 'error'.
  4. The catch() method catches the rejected promise and logs the error string 'error' to the console. The method also throws a new error string 'error2'.
  5. The second finally() method also logs undefined to the console, as it receives no data from the previous catch() method. The method also returns a new promise that is resolved with the value 2.
  6. The then() method is called on the previous promise, which logs the resolved value 2 to the console.
  7. The catch() method is called on the previous promise and logs any errors to the console. However, there are no errors to catch in this case, so nothing is logged.