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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
96. comparison

The code outputs the following:



  • In the first console.log statement, the comparison 10 > 9 is true because 10 is greater than 9.
  • In the second console.log statement, the comparison 10 > '9' is true because JavaScript automatically converts the string '9' to a number before the comparison is made, resulting in 10 > 9.
  • In the third console.log statement, the comparison '10' > 9 is true for the same reason as the second statement, with the string '10' being converted to the number 10 before the comparison.
  • In the fourth console.log statement, the comparison '10' > '9' is true because JavaScript compares strings character by character, and the character code for '1' is greater than the character code for '9', so '10' is considered greater than '9'.