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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
57. non-writable

The code below outputs:


At the beginning, a is defined as an empty object and then a new property "foo1" is added to it using Object.defineProperty() method, with a value of 1. Then, a new object b is created using Object.create(a) which means that b will inherit from a. A new property "foo2" is added to b with a value of 1.

The first console.log(b.foo1) outputs 1, which is the value of the foo1 property that b inherited from a. The second console.log(b.foo2) outputs 1, which is the value of the foo2 property of b itself.

Then, foo1 and foo2 are both reassigned new values for b. The third console.log(b.foo1) outputs 2, which is now the value of foo1 on b. Finally, the fourth console.log(b.foo2) outputs 2, which is also now the value of foo2 on b.