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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
41. `this` III

The code outputs:



  • obj.b is attempting to access this.a, which refers to the this of the obj object. However, since the object is not fully constructed at the time of its creation, this.a is not defined and evaluates to NaN.
  • obj.c() is a arrow function that captures the this of its surrounding lexical scope, which is the global object. Since this.a is not defined in the global object, it evaluates to NaN.
  • obj.d() is a regular function that is called on the obj object, so this refers to the object and this.a is defined as 1, resulting in a value of 2.
  • obj.e() is a regular function that returns an immediately invoked arrow function, which captures the this of the obj object. Since this.a is defined as 1, it evaluates to 2.