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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
26. true or false

The code outputs the following by console.log:



  • [] == 0 compares an empty array to 0 using loose equality, which coerces the empty array into an empty string and 0 into a number. An empty string and 0 both have a falsy value, but since they're of different data types, they're not equal. However, when a falsy value is compared to a number, it's coerced into a number, thus resulting in 0. Therefore, [] == 0 becomes "" == 0, which becomes 0 == 0, evaluating to true.

  • [] == false also uses loose equality, but this time the empty array is coerced into a falsy value (empty arrays are also falsy), and false is a falsy value. Both have the same type, so they're compared after conversion. Therefore, [] == false becomes 0 == 0, which evaluates to true.

  • !![] uses the double negation operator (!!), which coerces any value into a boolean by first negating it, and then negating it again. Since an array is a truthy value, its negation is false, and the negation of that is true. Therefore, !![] evaluates to true.

  • [1] == 1 uses loose equality, and since the array has a single element, that element is gotten and compared to 1. Because loose equality converts arrays to strings and converts non-string values to strings, [1] == 1 becomes "1" == "1", which evaluates to true.

  • !![1] works like !![], and since any non-empty array is truthy, !![1] also evaluates to true.

  • Boolean([]) is a function call that returns the boolean value of the argument. Since an empty array is falsy, Boolean([]) evaluates to false.

  • Boolean(new Boolean([])) uses the Boolean constructor to create a boolean object, which is a truthy value, so Boolean(new Boolean([])) evaluates to true.

  • Boolean(new Boolean(false)) creates a boolean object with a value of false. Since any object is truthy, Boolean(new Boolean(false)) evaluates to true.