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AI solution for JavaScript Quiz on
73. window name

The code will output:



  1. In the first IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), variable a is declared using var, which means it is locally scoped to the function. Therefore, when a is logged before it is declared, it refers to the local variable a with no value assigned yet, hence undefined. After a is declared and assigned the value '2', it is logged along with the global a variable, which has a value of 1. So the first log outputs undefined1 and the second log outputs 21.

  2. In the second IIFE, variable name is also declared using var, which is again locally scoped to the function. Similarly to the first IIFE, name is logged before it is declared, so it is undefined. After name is declared and assigned '2', it is logged along with the global name variable which has a value of 1. Therefore the first log outputs undefined1. In the second log, name (local) is concatenated with (global), which is undefined because there is no global name variable. Therefore the second log outputs 2undefined.