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AI solution for React Quiz on
30. Error Boundary Once More

The code will output the following through console.log:

  1. "render" from the ErrorBoundary component rendered by the component.
  2. "render" from the ErrorBoundary component rendered by the component.
  3. "throw" from the renderWithError() function.
  4. "catch" from the componentDidCatch() method in the ErrorBoundary component.


  • The component renders an ErrorBoundary component with the name "boundary-1" as its child, which in turn renders the component as its child.
  • The component renders an ErrorBoundary component with the name "boundary-2" as its child, and inside it calls the renderWithError() function.
  • The renderWithError() function logs "throw" and throws an Error.
  • Since there is an error thrown inside the component, it triggers the componentDidCatch() method in the ErrorBoundary component with the name "boundary-2". This logs "catch" and sets the state of hasError to true.
  • As a result, the ErrorBoundary component with the name "boundary-2" renders a Something went wrong. message instead of its children.
  • The ErrorBoundary component with the name "boundary-1" that wraps all of this does not catch the error thrown by the component because errors only bubble up to the closest ErrorBoundary component.