solution for React Coding Question
3. useIsFirstRender()

Created by @pavelgorbach

useFirstRender Hook with useRef

The useIsFirstRender hook is a custom React hook that returns a boolean value indicating whether a component has been rendered for the first time or not. This hook is useful for scenarios where you want to execute certain logic only on the initial render of a component.


import { useEffect } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const isFirstRender = useIsFirstRender();
  // Rest of your component code...

  return (
      <div>Is first render: {isFirstRender ? 'yes' : 'no'}</div>
      {/* JSX for your component... */}


The useRef hook is a fundamental part of the React ecosystem, often used to create mutable references to DOM elements, but it can also be employed for various other purposes. In the case of the useIsFirstRender hook, we utilize useRef to maintain state across multiple renders without triggering re-renders.

Here's an explanation of how useRef works within the useFirstRender hook:

  1. Initialization: When you declare a ref using useRef, it creates an object with a current property initialized to the initial value provided as an argument. For example:

    const isFirstRenderRef = useRef(true);

    In the useIsFirstRender hook, we initialize isIsFirstRenderRef with true, indicating that the component is in its initial render state.

  2. Preservation of Value: The key property of useRef is that the current property preserves its value across renders. Even if a component re-renders, the current value of the ref remains the same unless explicitly modified.

  3. Checking First Render: In the useIsFirstRender hook, we return current value of the isFirstRenderRef ref. If current is true, it means the component is being rendered for the first time. Subsequently, we set isFirstRenderRef.current to false to indicate that the initial render has occurred.

      if (isFirstRenderRef.current) {
        isFirstRenderRef.current = false;
        return true;
      return isFirstRenderRef.current;

    This function allows you to query whether the component is on its first render or not. If it's the first render, it returns true, and false on subsequent renders.

  4. Avoiding Rerenders: This approach ensures that we can keep track of whether the component has been rendered for the first time without causing re-renders. If we used state (e.g., useState) to track this, each change to the state would trigger a re-render, which is not what we want when just checking for the first render.

In summary, useRef is utilized in the useIsFirstRender hook to maintain a persistent value (true or false) that persists across renders, allowing us to efficiently check if the component is being rendered for the first time or on subsequent renders without causing unnecessary re-renders.

Final Code

import { useRef } from 'react';

export function useIsFirstRender() {
  const isFirstRenderRef = useRef(true);

  if(isFirstRenderRef.current) {
    isFirstRenderRef.current = false;
    return true;

  return isFirstRenderRef.current;

export default useIsFirstRender;
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