Meta Front-End interview questions
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JavaScript Coding Questions
3. implement Array.prototype.flat()
6. implement basic debounce()
9. decode message
10. first bad version
16. create an Event Emitter
17. Create a simple store for DOM element
18. Improve a function
19. find corresponding node in two identical DOM tree
25. Reorder array with new indexes
28. implement clearAllTimeout()
57. create an Observable
103. implement Math.sqrt()
121. A number sequence
133. roman numerals to integer
140. Virtual DOM III - Functional Component
118. Virtual DOM II - createElement
14. Implement a general memoization function - `memo()`
113. Virtual DOM I
125. implement classNames()
83. create an interval
161. toBe() or not.toBe()
Front-End System Design Question
6. Design a Typeahead Widget
9. Design a Poll Widget
3. Design an Infinite Scroller
Front-End Interview Questions
5.`var` vs `let` vs `const`
1. What are the time and space complexity for sorting algorithms
2. What is Prototypal Inheritance? How does it work?
3. explain `this` keyword in JavaScript
4. what is Closure and how does it work?
6. Explain the concept of Promise to a 5-year-old
7. Map vs Object vs Set vs Array
8. difference between `==` and `===`
10. what is the difference between `block` and `inline`?
15. `Array.prototype.forEach()` vs ``