174. CSS Grid Layout auto-placement algorithm - sparse


hard?  - accepted / - tried

Are you familiar with CSS Grid Layout ?

grid-auto-flow controls how the auto-placement algorithm works.

Default packing mode is sparse, please create a function to illustrate how it works.

type Grid = Array<Array<number>>type Item = {  id: number,  style?: {    gridRowStart?: number | string,    gridRowEnd?: number | string,    gridColumnStart?: number | string    gridColumnEnd?: number | string  }}function layout(rows: number, columns: number, items: Array<Item>): Grid {  // your code here}
  1. it should return a grid of item id, use 0 if the cell is no occupied.
  2. implement the logic based on grid-auto-flow: row.
  3. all inputs are valid, in which there is no overlapping between the items, and all items stay fully inside of the grid.
  4. you can refer to the office algorithm explanation

Here are some examples you can understand it better.

layout(3, 3, [  {    id: 1,    style: {      gridColumnStart: 'span 2'    }  },  {    id: 2,    style: {      gridColumnStart: 'span 2'    }  },  {    id: 3  },  {    id: 4  },  {    id: 5  }])/** [  [1, 1, 0],  [2, 2, 3],   [4, 5, 0] ] */

In the above example, all items are auto placed.

layout(3, 3, [  {    id: 1,    style: {      gridColumnStart: 'span 2',      gridRowStart: 2    }  },  {    id: 2,    style: {      gridColumnStart: 2,      gridColumnEnd: 'span 2'    }  },  {    id: 3  },  {    id: 4  },  {    id: 5  }])/** [  [0, 2, 2],  [1, 1, 3],   [4, 5, 0] ] */

Now in above example first two items have more specific positions.

Always try to find a better approach.