163. integer to roman numerals
easy - accepted / - tried
This is reverse of 133. roman numerals to integer
Roman numerals are represented by combinations of following seven symbols, each with a fixed integer value.
Symbol | I | V | X | L | C | D | M |
Value | 1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000 |
For Standard form, subtractive notation is used, meaning 4 is IV
rather than IIII
, 9 is IX
rather than VIIII
. Same rule applies to 40(XL
) and 900(CM
) .etc.
Simply speaking, the roman numerals in standard form follow these rules.
- symbols are listed from highest to lowest, from left to right
- from left to right, if the next symbol value is bigger than current one, it means subtracting, otherwise adding.
Please implement integerToRoman()
. The input are all integers within valid range.
integerToRoman(123)// 'CXXIII'integerToRoman(1999)// 'MCMXCIX'integerToRoman(3420)// 'MMMCDXX'