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AI solution for JavaScript Coding Question on
163. integer to roman numerals

One possible solution is:

function integerToRoman(num) {  const numerals = {    M: 1000,    CM: 900,    D: 500,    CD: 400,    C: 100,    XC: 90,    L: 50,    XL: 40,    X: 10,    IX: 9,    V: 5,    IV: 4,    I: 1  };  let result = '';  for (let key in numerals) {    while (num >= numerals[key]) {      result += key;      num -= numerals[key];    }  }  return result;}

The function uses a dictionary numerals to store the mappings between integers and roman numerals. It then iterates through the dictionary items in descending order of their integer values, and for each item, it checks how many times the integer value can be subtracted from the input number num. If the answer is non-zero, it appends the corresponding roman numeral to the result string, and subtracts the integer value from num. It repeats this process until num becomes zero.

Assuming the dictionary is constant, the time complexity of this function is O(1), since the maximum number of iterations is fixed at 13. The space complexity is also O(1), since the maximum length of the result string is fixed at 15.