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88. Tell me a time you achieved something through good collaboration.

Situation: During my time at my previous company, I was tasked with designing the user interface for a new software release. It was a big project that required a lot of intense work.

Obstacles: When I started the project, I realized there were a lot of complexities that I had not anticipated. I tried to solve the issues on my own, but I quickly realized that it would not be possible. The project was too large for one person to handle and there were many nuances that I lacked expertise in.

Actions: Frustrated, I realized that I needed to collaborate with my team. I scheduled a meeting with everyone involved in the project and we spent several hours discussing the issues at hand. We brainstormed solutions and took turns presenting our ideas.

Result: Through this collaboration, we were able to find an efficient solution that satisfied everyone’s needs. The project took longer than expected, but the end result was something that we were all proud of. The experience taught me that sometimes the best solution is not the one that you come up with on your own, but one that is a product of teamwork and collaboration. Additionally, our success in this project led to the promotion of several team members and recognition of our contributions to the company.